Medx Back Pain Clinics


MedX offers the only FDA registered Medical Strengthening Devices in the United States for strengthening both the lumbar and cervical areas of the spine.

Clinically Published Research

More than 100 peer-reviewed medical journal articles have been published to confirm that MedX’s proprietary technology can materially decrease chronic spine-related pain issues, restore spinal function, reduce or eliminate the need for ongoing care, and improve patients’ quality of life.

One Lumbar Extension Training Session per Week Is Sufficient for Strength Gains and Reductions in Pain in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain Ergonomics
Stewart Bruce-Low, Dave Smith, Scott Burnet, James Fisher, Gary Bissell, and Leonie Webster

The Clinical Effects of Intensive, Specific Exercise on Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Controlled Study of 895 Consecutive Patients with One Year Follow-Up
Brian W. Nelson, MD, Mike Hogan, PT, Elizabeth O’Reilly, RN, Joseph A. Wegner, MD, MPH, Mark Miller, PT, Charles Kelly, MD
Low Back Pain

One Lumbar Extension Training Session per Week Is Sufficient for Strength Gains and Reductions in Pain in Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain Ergonomics
Stewart Bruce-Low, Dave Smith, Scott Burnet, James Fisher, Gary Bissell, and Leonie Webster

The Clinical Effects of Intensive, Specific Exercise on Chronic Low-Back Pain: A Controlled Study of 895 Consecutive
Patients with One Year Follow-Up

Brian W. Nelson, MD, Mike Hogan, PT, Elizabeth O’Reilly, RN, Joseph A. Wegner, MD, MPH, Mark Miller, PT, Charles Kelly, MD
Low Back Pain

Muscle – In Rehabilitation of the Spine: Science and Practice
Michael L. Pollock, PhD, James E. Graves, PhD, David M. Carpenter, MS, Daniel Foster, MS, Scott H. Leggett, MS, Michael N. Fulton, MD
Basic Science of Spine-Associated Tissues
Nonoperative Spine Care Centers Present New Ancillary Service, Quality Patient Care
Tina DiMarcantonio
Orthopedics Today

Lumbar Strengthening in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients
Sherry V. Risch, PhD, Nancy K. Norvell, PhD, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Edward D. Risch, MD, Howard Langer, RPT, Michael Fulton, MD, James E. Graves, PhD, Scott H. Leggett, MS

A Preliminary Report on the Effect of Measured Strength Training in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis
Vert Mooney, Jennifer Gulick, Robert Pozos
Journal of Spinal Disorders

A Rational Approach to the Treatment of Low Back Pain
Brian W. Nelson, MD The Journal of Musculoskeletal Medicine

Back in Shape
Michael L. Pollock, PhD, James E. Graves, PhD

Changes in Isometric Strength and Range of Motion of the Isolated Cervical Spine After Eight Weeks of Clinical Rehabilitation
Thomas R. Highland, MD, Thomas E. Dreisinger, PhD, Laura L. Vie, BeD, Garth S. Russell, MD

Comparison of Female Geriatric Lumbar Extension Strength
Bryon Holmes, Scott Leggett, Vert Mooney, Jean Nichols, Scott Negri, An Hoeyberghs
Journal of Spinal Disorders

Comparison of Two Restraint Systems for Pelvic Stabilization during Isometric Lumbar Extension Strength Testing
James E. Graves, PhD, Scott H. Leggett, MS, Cecily K. Fix, MS, Dan N. Foster, MS, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, David M. Carpenter, MS

Correlation Between the MRI Changes in the Lumbar Multifidus Muscles and Leg Pain
DF Kader, D. Wardlaw, FW Smith
Clinical Radiology

CT Imaging of Trunk Muscles in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients and Healthy Control Subjects
Lieven, A. Danneels, Guy G. Vanderstraeten, Dirk C. Cambier, Erik E. Witvrouw, Hugo J. De Cuyper
European Spine Journal

Differences in Electromyographic Activity in the Multifidus Muscle and the Iliocostalis Lumborum Between Healthy Subjects and Patients with Sub-Acute and Chronic Low Back Pain
LA Danneels, PL Coorevits, AM Cools, GG Vanderstraeten, DC Cambier, EE Witvrouw, HJ De Cuyper
European Spine Journal

Effect of 12 and 20 Weeks of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Torque Production
David M. Carpenter, Dan Foster, James E. Graves, Bryon Holmes, Michael L. Pollock, Michael N. Fulton, Scott H. Geggett
Basic Science of Spine-Associated Tissues

Effect of Focused Strength Training After Low Back Injury
V. Mooney, L. Matheson, D. Holmes, S. Leggett, J. Grant, S. Negri, B. Holmes

Effect of Reduced Training Frequency and Detraining on Lumbar Extension Strength
Jacqueline T. Tucci, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, James E. Graves, PhD, Scott H. Leggett, MS

Effect of Resistance Training on Lumbar Extension Strength
Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Scott H. Leggett, MS, James E. Graves, PhD, Arthur Jones, Michael Fulton, MD, Joe Cirulli
The American Journal of Sports Medicine

Effect of Resistance Training Volume on Strength and Muscle Thickness
David B. Starkey, William F. Brechue, Michael L. Pollock, James E. Graves, Yoshi Ishida, Matthew S. Feigenbaum, Michael A. Welsch
Medicine & Science in Sports & Medicine

Effect of Training Frequency and Specificity on Isometric Lumbar Extension Strength
James E. Graves, PhD, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Dan Foster, BS, Scott H. Leggett, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Rosemaria Vuoso, MS, Arthur Jones

Effects of Isolated Lumbar Extension Resistance Training on Bone Mineral Density of the Elderly
M.L. Pollock, FACSM, D. Lowenthal, L. Gazarella, M.N. Fulton, J.E. Graves, FACSM, D. Foster, D.M. Carpenter, J. Tucci, S.H. Leggett, R.R. Mananquil
American College of Sports Medicine

Effects of Pelvic Stabilization on Lumbar Muscle Activity During Dynamic Exercise
Jun G. San Juan, James A. Yaggie, Susan Levy, Vert Mooney, Brian Udermann, John M. Mayer
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research

Effects of Three Different Training Modalities on the Cross Sectional Area of the Lumbar Multifidus
LA Danneels, GG Vanderstraeten, DC Cambier, EE Witvrouw, J Bourgois, W. Dankaerts, HJ De Cuyper
British Journal of Sports Medicine

Electromyographic Analysis of Four Techniques for Isometric Trunk Muscle Exercises
Osamu Shirado, MD, Toshikazu Ito, RPT, Kiyoshi Kaneda, MD, Thomas E. Strax, MD
Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Frequency and Volume of Resistance Training
Michael L. Pollock, PhD, James E. Graves, PhD, Marcas M. Bamman, MS, Scott H. Leggett, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Cecily Carr, MS, Joe Cirulli, Jan Matkozich, Michael Fulton, MD
Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Isometric Torso Rotation Strength
Pamela L. DeMichele, MS, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, James E. Graves, PhD, Daniel N. Foster, MS, David Carpenter, MS, Linda Garzarella, MS, William Brechue, PhD, Michael Fulton, MD
Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Low Back Strengthening for the Prevention and Treatment of Low Back Pain
David M. Carpenter and Brian W. Nelson
Medicine & Science in Sports & Medicine

Pelvic Stabilization During Resistance Training: Its Effect on the Development of Lumbar Extension Strength
James E. Graves, PhD, Dina C. Webb, MS, PT, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Jan Matkozich, Scott H. Leggett, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Dan N. Foster, MS, Joseph Cirulli
Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Philadelphia Panel Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines on Selected Rehabilitation Interventions: Overview Methodology
American Physical Therapy Association
Physical Therapy

Quantitative Assessment and Training of Isometric Cervical Extension Strength
Scott H. Leggett, MS, James E. Graves, PhD, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Michael Shank, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Bryon Holmes, MS, Michael N. Fulton, MD
Medicine & Science in Sports & Medicine

Quantitative Assessment of Full Range-of-Motion Isometric Lumbar Extension Strength
James E. Graves, PhD, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, David M. Carpenter, MS, Scott H. Leggett, MS, Arthur Jones, Michael MacMillan, MD, Michael N. Fulton, MD
Arch Phys Med Rehabil

Resistance Exercise and Bone Turnover in Elderly Men and Women
Kevin R. Vincent and Randy W. Braith Medicine & Science in Sports & Medicine

Specific Spinal Exercise: Three Case Studies Using the MedX Lumbar Extension Machine
Brian D. Johnston IART Research

Spinal Rehabilitation Part 1
James E. Graves, PhD, Dina C. Webb, MS, PT, Michael L. Pollock, PhD, Jan Matkozich, Scott H. Leggett, MS, David M. Carpenter, MS, Dan N. Foster, MS, Joseph Cirulli

Strength Testing Can Identify Malingering
Brian D. Johnston
The Journal of Workers Compensation

Strength Training Methods and the Work of Arthur Jones
Dave Smith and Stewart Bruce-Low
Journal of Exercise Physiology

The Effect of early Isolated Lumbar Extension Exercise Program for Patients with Herniated Disc Undergoing Lumbar Discectomy
Choi G, Raiturker PP, Kim MJ, Jin CD, Chae YS

The Effect of Workplace Based Strengthening on Low Back Injury Rates
Vert Mooney, Marvin Kron, Patrick Rummerfield, Bryon Holmes
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation

The Role of Measured Resistance Exercises in Adolescent Scoliosis
Vert Mooney, MD, Allison Brigham, BS

Two-year follow-up of a randomized clinical trial of spinal manipulation and two types of exercise for patients with chronic neck pain
Evans R, Bronfort G, Nelson B, Goldsmith CH

Twenty Years Of Specific, Isolated Lumbar Extension Research: A Review  
Dave Smith, Stewart Bruce-Low, Gary Bissell

Associations between Trunk Extension Endurance and Isolated Lumbar Extension Strength in Both Asymptomatic Participants and Those with Chronic Low Back Pain
Rebecca Conway, Jessica Behennah, James Fisher,
Neil Osborne and James Steele

The Effects of Medx Exercise and Sling Exercise Program on the Lumbar Trunk Muscle Strength of Patients with Lumbar Disc Hernia Operation                                                      
Dong-Kyu Lee, Sang-Yong Lee

The Effects of Lumbar Stabilizing Exercise on Increasing of the Strength of Lumbar Extensor Muscle in Normal Subjects  
Dae Hee Lee, Ph.D, P.T. Jae Sook Kim, M.Sc., P.T

The effect of MedX exercise program on lumbar extensor strength in the elderly with chronic LBP    
Cho, Hyun-Woo, – Park, Sung-Kwang, – Choi, Eun-Young, – Kim, Myung-Jon

Effects of an Exercise Treatment Program on Lumbar Extensor Muscle Strength and Pain of Rehabilitation Patients Recovering from Lumbar Disc Herniation Surgery   
Sungbum Ju, Giduck Park, Eunyoung Kim

Comparisons of Spinal Stabilization Exercise and Lumbar Extensor Strengthening Exercise in Chronic Low Back Pain
Taeim Yi, M.D., Jae Hwan Lee, M.D., Young Jung Lee, P.T., Joo Sup Kim, M.D., Jun Sung Park, M.D., Dae Hwan Kim,
M.D. and Hye Kyung Koo, M.D.

The Role of Anticipation and Fear of Pain in the Persistence of Avoidance Behavior in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain  
Saud M. Al-Obaidi, PhD, PT,* Roger M. Nelson, PhD, PT, FAPTA,† Sumer Al-Awadhi, PT,* and Nadia Al-Shuwaie, PT*

The effects of short-term lumbar stability cross taping on muscle strength of trunk extension and lumbar pain level in patients with chronic back    
Sungbum Ju, PhD

Pelvic stabilization exercise versus conventional weight training exercise during resistance training Its effect on the development of lumbar extension strength  
Mark Allen Belcher

Lumbar extensor muscle force control is associated with disability in people with chronic low back pain
Adrian Pranata, Luke Perraton, Doa El-Ansary, Ross Clark, Karine Fortin, Tim Dettmann, Adam Bryant

Effect of Lumbar Stabilization and Dynamic Lumbar Strengthening Exercises in Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain    
Hye Jin Moon, MD, Kyoung Hyo Choi, MD, Dae Ha Kim, MD, Ha Jeong Kim, MD, Young Ki Cho, Kwang Hee Lee, Jung Hoo Kim, Yoo Jung Choi

Effect of Lumbar Extensor Strengthening in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients    
Young Jae Park, M.D., Ki Sub Choi, M.D. and Sang Gun Lee, M.D.

A randomized controlled trial of the effects of isolated lumbar extension exercise on lumbar kinematic pattern variability during gait in chronic low back pain  
Steele, J., Bruce-Low, S., Smith, D., Jessop, D. and Osborne

Efficacy of Isolated Lumbar Extension Exercise in the Treatment of Non-specific Chronic Low Back Pain  
Paul Lee

Effects of Lumbar Resistance and Stabilization Complex Exercises on Extremity Muscle Strength and Endurance of Normal Adults  
Jongwoo Kim, Wontae Gong, Byeongjun Hwang

The effect of lumbar extension training with and without pelvic stabilization on lumbar strength and low back pain  
Smith, Davea; Bissell, Garyb Bruce-Low, Stewartc Wakefield, Carolined;

The Effects of Lumbar Stabilizing Exercise on Increasing of the Strength of Lumbar Extensor Muscle in Normal Subjects  
Dae Hee Lee, Ph.D, P.T. Jae Sook Kim, M.Sc., P.T.

The effectiveness of exercise program after lumbar discectomy surgery
Dae Hee Lee, Ph.D, P.T. Jae Sook Kim, M.Sc., P.T.

Lumbar Combined Rehabilitation Exercise for Lumbar Reposition Sense, Static Balance and Pain of the Patient’s with Chronic Low Back Pain
Deahun Kim

Effects of Exercise Rehabilitation on Pain, Disability, and Muscle Strength after Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion Surgery a Randomized Controlled Trial
Nafsika Atsidakou a, Aikaterini Evangelia Matsi a, Anna Christakou

Aged Lumbar Extension Strength of Chronic Low Back Pain in Korean Population of 10-80 Years 

Ji-Hoon CHO
, Ki-Hyuk LEE, *Seung-Taek LIM

The acclaimed author of Carved in Sand—a veteran investigative journalist who endured persistent back pain for decades—delivers the definitive book on the subject: an essential examination of all facets of the back pain industry, exploring what works, what doesn’t, what may cause harm, and how to get on the road to recovery.

In her effort to manage her chronic back pain, investigative reporter Cathryn Jakobson Ramin spent years and a small fortune on a panoply of treatments. But her discomfort only intensified, leaving her feeling frustrated and perplexed. As she searched for better solutions, she exposed a much bigger problem. Costing roughly $100 billion a year, spine medicine—often ineffective and sometimes harmful —exemplified the worst aspects of the U.S. health care system.

The result of six years of intensive investigation, Crooked offers a startling look at the poorly identified risks of spine medicine, and provides practical advice and solutions. Ramin interviewed scores of spine surgeons, pain management doctors, physical medicine and rehabilitation physicians, exercise physiologists, physical therapists, chiropractors, specialized bodywork practitioners. She met with many patients whose pain and desperation led them to make life-altering decisions, and with others who triumphed over their limitations.

The result is a brilliant and comprehensive book that is not only important but essential to millions of back pain sufferers, and all types of health care professionals. Ramin shatters assumptions about surgery, chiropractic methods, physical therapy, spinal injections and painkillers, and addresses evidence-based rehabilitation options—showing, in detail, how to avoid therapeutic dead ends, while saving money, time, and considerable anguish. With Crooked, she reveals what it takes to outwit the back pain industry and get on the road to recovery.

If you’ve golfed for any length of time, you’ve probably been exposed to the myth that movement-based functional training and sport-specific exercise can make you a better golfer.

Gary Bannister reveals a proven muscle-based alternative that gets better results: Proper Strength Training.

A longtime golfer, Bannister has played with some of the world’s greatest champions. He established and coached the men’s and women’s varsity golf teams at Averett College, and opened South America’s first Nautilus gym, which led him to prepare Venezuela’s male and female golf teams for the World Team Amateur Championship in 1986.

Bannister advises golfers to build the muscles involved in golf in the most efficient and effective way you can without trying to be specific – without trying to duplicate the actions of the golf swing. Only after that should you focus on learning to use that strength to your advantage on the golf course.

Filled with golfing anecdotes, rich history, and exercises that will keep you fit, you’ll be amazed by how much your game improves through Golf Performance Training.